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QStyleOptionQ3ListView Class Reference
[QtGui module]

The QStyleOptionQ3ListView class is used to describe the parameters for drawing a Q3ListView. More...

#include <QStyleOptionQ3ListView>

Inherits QStyleOptionComplex.

Public Functions

Public Variables

Static Public Members

Detailed Description

The QStyleOptionQ3ListView class is used to describe the parameters for drawing a Q3ListView.

The class is used for drawing the compat Q3ListView. It is not recommended for use in new code.

Member Function Documentation

QStyleOptionQ3ListView::QStyleOptionQ3ListView ()

Creates a QStyleOptionQ3ListView. The members variables are initialized to default values.

QStyleOptionQ3ListView::QStyleOptionQ3ListView ( const QStyleOptionQ3ListView & other )

Constructs a copy of the other style option.

Member Variable Documentation

const int QStyleOptionQ3ListView::Type

Equals SO_Q3ListView.

const int QStyleOptionQ3ListView::Version

Equals 1.

int QStyleOptionQ3ListView::itemMargin

This variable holds the margin for items in the list view.

See also Q3ListView::itemMargin().

QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> QStyleOptionQ3ListView::items

This variable holds a list of items in the Q3ListView.

This is a list of QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItems. The first item can be used for most of the calculation that are needed for drawing a list view. Any additional items are the children of this first item, which may be used for additional information.

See also QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem.

bool QStyleOptionQ3ListView::rootIsDecorated

This variable holds whether root items are decorated.

See also Q3ListView::rootIsDecorated().

int QStyleOptionQ3ListView::sortColumn

This variable holds the sort column of the list view.

See also Q3ListView::sortColumn().

int QStyleOptionQ3ListView::treeStepSize

This variable holds the number of pixel to offset children items from their parents.

See also Q3ListView::treeStepSize().

QPalette::ColorRole QStyleOptionQ3ListView::viewportBGRole

This variable holds the background role of Q3ListView's viewport.

See also QWidget::backgroundRole().

QPalette QStyleOptionQ3ListView::viewportPalette

This variable holds the palette of Q3ListView's viewport.

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